The view from the balcony

I have a new obsession. This started when I was checking furniture on Urban Ladder. This happened right after I was mesmerised with the ‘Fab furnish’ section of Fab India where I had been to shop for Kurtis. Though buying my own place is in far far away land, I still could not resist a peek at home furniture on the Urban Ladder. There’s nothing like too early to start planning right? Isn’t the whole purpose of why we work our asses off is to earn enough to create a comfortable home that we can get back to?

So one of the user stories was about how UL table chair set helped a couple re-model their tiny balcony space into a chai and soul-searching space. Why bother describing it, I will put a picture here right below, so you know what I am talking about.

I dont know about you but I would be grateful to come back to balcony like this after a day’s work. Or spend a Saturday morning after with the ‘special’ one or catch up with ol’ friends, on the smart phones and whatsapp of course, or better just call them up and talk for hours. Can a venue better fit for these lighter moments of life than a well-planted, tastefully furnished balcony.

Coming to the obsession - Balcony Decor. So I have been looking up and saving ideas to re-create my magical fairy-tale balcony someday.

Urban balconies tend to be smaller in size and not neccassarily overlooking the beach. However small the space, it can be customised to your tastes and likes.

You dont think its possible? I will tour you over some of the types of spaces you can create for yourself

The ‘Escape haven’ one-seater balcony that clearly announces that you need some time on your own, no provision to bring laptop or food – Just you, yourself and your infinite thoughts that need to be gathered and sorted, preferably with a cup of coffee

‘Nature’s Nest’ with plenty of plants and most importantly flowers that transforms your space into a mini-enchanted forest; Ideal to cuddle up with a favourite novel on a cushioned chair, frequently changing positions to your comfort as you get lost in the book.

 The ‘Rainforest Paradise’ balcony is one of my dreams. The pebbles and the wooden tiles add to the exotic feel. It will be nothing short of heaven when it rains. Maybe if well-hidden from the neighbours, a private spot for you and your lover to share some cosy moments ;)

The 'Moonlight Indulgence' is the open balcony that lets you soak in the weather and first rays of each day. Look at the stars, moon, clouds or whatever delights the open sky has to offer. Occasionally look down at the world, go into a reverie and have profound thoughts about meaning of life as you watch tiny humans move along the wave of life from your God-like point.

The 'Hobby Hub' balcony lets you explore the creativity that is inherent in all of us. Second only to the bathroom, inspirations and ideas are born in a balcony. So what better idea than to work on those ideas in their birthplace. Bring out the poet in you, the artist in you! (reserve the singing and the dancing for the bathroom). Or if you have a craft interest like paper quilling, knitting, name it. you should make this the hobbyspace.

I know I don’t yet have the comprehensive list. But I bet I got you thinking about re-creating your balconies to suit your needs. Admit it now. :)

Will add more as I go. 


  1. I love this! Such beautiful balconies and you have written it all so well. Like I said earlier, your writing has improved so much! Keep up the good work Blessy. You will soon have the cozy balcony of your dreams. :)

  2. Nice one Bless! I need a balcony now....

    1. you should totally go for the hobby hub :) but keep the paints away from the rains. :)

  3. I will approach you when I start constructing my house!.. So that you can suggest me a suitable balcony :-)


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