
Imagine threads.

A lot of threads. As many as the stars in the universe.
Threads of varied textures, and thicknesses. Maybe also different colors.
Criss-crossed, like the lines in the palm of our hands.

Threads that connect us, to others. To other people.
Threads that intertwine and entangle. Threads that pull us back up. Supportive threads.
Sometimes, if we pull on it hard enough, we may break a thread. Some threads are so thick and strong, that it takes a lifetime to break them. Some of them fade away with time. Sometimes you may choose to cut a thread. It can surprisingly, make you feel both happy and sad at the same time, often one feeling more than the other.

These threads run through us connecting us to people who have threads connecting them to other people and so on and on. We are all a web of people connected to each other by threads. Of varying sizes and thickness.

Threads are primarily made of feelings, of words, of memories built together, of inside jokes, of acknowledging smiles and looks, of tears shed openly and in secret. Every thread is unique, as unique as the two individuals at its ends. They make life complicated or simple, however you choose to see them.

Imagine these threads were invisible.
And Intangible. 
That does not negate it's presence, they are still there, needing your attention, waiting to be acknowledged...


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